Thor's Next Big Villain Could Lead to Asgard's Return

The MCU has introduced many villains for Thor to face. But there's still time to introduce one that could bring about the return of Asgard.

Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most storied and tragic characters in the franchise. When he first appeared, his hubris taught him a lesson in humility and protecting others, not for himself but because it was right. From there, he learned that he wasn't ready to rule and instead chose to be more traveled, protecting Earth with The Avengers. But when Ragnarok arrived, he had lost almost everything he held dear, from his home to his family. This was compounded in Thor: Love and Thunder when he even lost the love of his life, Jane Foster.

With so much loss in the God of Thunder's life, it's impressive how well he dealt with it, even caring for Gorr's daughter like she was his own. But even still, there must be lingering questions in Thor's mind about whether he can restore what was lost and give his people a proper kingdom. For now, the answer remains unclear, but a potential Thor 5 could offer the chance at a villain that could prove the key to Asgard's revival by pushing Thor to his emotional and physical limits. But the best part is, by encountering an enemy like Enchantress, Thor wouldn't even know it was happening until it was too late.

Enchantress Could Be a Major Threat

In the comics, Amora, aka The Enchantress, was a physically misleading enemy as her body was more used to attract and distract enemies than it was to overpower them. But most importantly, it was a great way to open a door into the minds of her foes so that she could manipulate them with magic, enchanting them. As a result, she was one of the most dangerous threats to challenge Thor and the other gods of Asgard. Even still, like all gods, her allegiances could change like the wind, and for as dangerous as she was, she could also be a powerful ally to the God of Thunder.

Enchantress, like Loki, was very skilled in the art of persuasion, and it could prove to be a powerful tool against Thor to help her achieve her goal of bringing back Asgard so that her power could be restored. Being that her magic came from Asgard and its inhabitants, the kingdom's time on Earth likely made her much weaker. Therefore, manipulating a god as powerful as Thor may be what's needed to take a skill only teased by Sylvie in Loki and push it to new limits that could challenge Thor on an emotional and psychological level. But her greatest strength would have nothing to do with her character as she's inadvertently become the culmination of Thor's greatest losses.

Enchantress Could Be Thor's Regrets Personified

Enchantress' look isn't something that stands out in terms of how she relates to other characters in Thor's life. But in the MCU, her blond hair, magic and persuasive demeanor harken back to two of Thor's greatest losses and regrets. For example, her blonde hair and independent attitude are unmistakable to what Jane Foster represented while she was The Mighty Thor. Granted, Enchantress is nothing like Jane in terms of personality, but her look, at a glance, could easily trigger a memory of his last adventure with the love of his life. But doing so could give him a chance to gain a second chance at closure in some capacity.

Where her look may offer glimmers of similarity to Jane Foster, her magic and mannerisms are much more akin to Thor's brother, Loki. This is further strengthened when returning to Sylvie and her ability to enchant others through her magic. From her green outfit to her ability to talk herself out of a situation, Enchantress is the perfect parallel to the villain Loki was and, as such, gives Thor a chance to do right by someone who may be just as lost and confused as Loki was. But, as her name would tease, Enchantress is a master manipulator, and playing on these similarities may be less about giving Thor a chance to face his regrets and more an opportunity for her to use his sadness to her advantage.

Enchantress is a character that survives through using others, and to use Thor would mean convincing him that he needs to join her on a quest to reform Asgard. As the Ragnarök tale explains, the event is just as much a rebirth as it is an end, which means that Thor could be the key to finding a way to bring forth a new, stronger kingdom. As a result, he could be an enemy to friends like Valkyrie and serve as Enchantress' bodyguard until she gets enough power to face all the gods, attempting to rule a new Asgard in her image.

Now Is the Perfect Time to Introduce Enchantress

Thor has a powerful collection of enemies that have, for the most part, been explored in movies. But of all these enemies, Enchantress has been a long time coming, especially when her companion and protector, Executioner, appeared in Thor: Ragnarok. Now, without a protector but with everything to gain, bringing Enchantress in could allow Thor to be her hypnotized protector instead of Executioner. She could also give Thor a chance to inadvertently right his greatest sacrifice, bringing back Asgard through Enchantress' spells and pushing his powers to new heights.

Enchantress is just as clever as she is skilled, and facing off against her could offer a new type of threat because her strength won't lie in her physicality. Considering Thor has consistently fought his enemies with his hands, Enchantress could offer a fun change of pace as he tries to overcome her charm and outsmart her rather than simply knock her out. In the end, as the MCU continues to evolve and expand, bringing in the Enchantress is the best way to show how the lore never stopped trying to top itself in new ways.

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