Every New Marvel Snap Card & Location In The Loki For All Time Season

The Loki For All Time season has arrived to Marvel Snap and the God of Mischief has brought exciting cards and locations to spice up the current meta.

There is nothing better than a new Marvel Snap season coinciding with the impending release of an MCU movie or related series. Guardians Greatest Hits was a huge success alongside Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, while Spider-Versus was exciting in hyping Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Now, Loki For All Time is here in hyping up Loki season 2, which premieres October 6th.

Another Marvel Snap season, another four cards and two locations for players to have fun with. Loki For All Time is set to change the Marvel Snap meta forever, as all four cards have incredible potential.

The New Cards

Loki For All Time is an exciting season for Marvel Snap players, as it introduces four incredible new cards, each with a completely different type of ability. Loki himself leads the way as the Season Pass card, and is joined by the intimidating Alioth, as well as the intriguing Mobius M. Mobius and Ravonna Renslayer.

Despite them all having very different abilities, comparing the four cards throws up some interesting interactions. Mobius M. Mobius threatens to counter both Loki and Ravonna Renslayer's abilities, while Alioth could simply destroy them all, depending on circumstance. All four cards are well worth getting - Loki would be purchased as the Season Pass card and Alioth acquired through Spotlight Caches, with the Series 4 Mobius and Ravonna being reasonable acquisitions through Collection Tokens.


Loki has already made a positive impact since arriving at the start of the Loki For All Time season. The God of Mischief's Marvel Snap card has 3 Energy and 5 Power, but his value lies in his sneaky ability - replacing the player's hand with cards from the opponent's deck but with -1 Cost. This ability works so that however many cards the player has ni their hand when Loki's On Reveal ability activates, that is how many of the opponent's cards appear in the player's hand.

The player's own cards that were exchanged for Loki's targeted cards from the opponents are then cast out and not seen again, as they are not simply returned to the player's deck. Cards like Quinjet, The Collector and the newly-buffed Snowguard have quickly arisen as the best synergies for Loki, as they thrive on cards entering the player's hand from anywhere but the deck. Marvel Snap players should be warned however, as Loki is actively countered by two of the other cards from the season - so they should enjoy this unimpeded dominance of Loki's mischief while they can.


If Alioth's formidable reputation, imposing figure, Marvel Snap stat-line and ability are anything to go by, this trans-temporal entity is going to be a serious handful upon its arrival. Alioth is a 6-Cost 5-Power card that has players simultaneously excited and fearful, as its On Reveal ability destroys all cards played at its location on the same turn, even those that haven't been turned over yet.

Alioth is a mixture of Shang-Chi and the Guardians of the Galaxy cards, but with the added sweetener of not caring about priority. Shang-Chi is still one of the most feared cards in Marvel Snap as it targets cards of 9 Power or more, but even it can't operate at full potential if its player has priority. Alioth simply doesn't care about this. Additionally, Alioth can even target any card played at the location that turn, regardless of Power total, meaning that those "safe" 8-Power cards like Ultron and M.O.D.O.K. will be sweating profusely from now on.

Mobius M. Mobius

Many MCU fans were unaware of Mobius M. Mobius before Owen Wilson impressed as him in Loki Season 1, but even more are certainly going to be aware of him after his Marvel Snap card drops this season. Mobius may look harmless as a 2-Cost 3-Power card, but with the Ongoing ability of stopping the player's own cards from costing more, while also stopping opponents from reducing their own costs, Mobius M. Mobius threatens to be one of the most dangerous defensive cards in Marvel Snap.

Mobius will be for cost reduction decks what Armor is for Destroy, Cosmo is for On Reveal and what Kingpin should be for Move. This means that offensive cards like Iceman and Baron Mordo cannot harm a player who has played Mobius, while the same card can defend against incredible cards like Zabu, Sera, Quinjet and now newcomers Loki and Ravonna Renslayer. Loki has already proven himself an incredibly fun card since his introduction, but Mobius' presence in many decks of this season's meta could well spoil the party.

Ravonna Renslayer

Last but certainly not least, Ravonna Renslayer is yet another solid card to be arriving during the Loki For All Time season. Ravonna's Ongoing ability makes cards with 1 or less Power cost 1 less Energy. Fans may initially struggle to comprehend what cards are included in this, but there are some incredible options that will really benefit from being made cheaper.

Iron Man, Darkhawk, Knull, Kang and Ironheart are a few examples of cards with no Power, meaning that they can be played earlier for more impactful later turns. However, the possibilities don't stop there with Ravonna Renslayer, as these discounts also apply to negative cards, from Mister Negative himself and The Hood to Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. Marvel Snap players will undoubtedly find some great synergies for Ravonna, just as long as they keep out of the clutches of Mobius M. Mobius.

As always, a new Marvel Snap season means two new locations to accompany these exciting new cards. In Loki For All Time, players will be treated to two completely different location effects. First up is Time Theater, a mysterious place that will copy the last card the player drew instead of them drawing a new card from their deck. This, as with most other locations, has potential on both fronts, in being either a disastrous distraction from any build of momentum, or in simply providing the perfect repeat card draw.

The other location is Mount Vesuvius. This erupting volcano is known for devastating Pompeii, but now in Marvel Snap, it is going to crush players who are out of their depth. With Mount Vesuvius, players are not able to retreat after turn 5, which could be catastrophic when it comes to losing valuable Cubes or Lives in the Conquest format. Both locations are likely to be fun additions to Marvel Snap.

Loki For All Time could well be the best season yet in Marvel Snap. Loki is easily one of the better Season Pass cards, and he is supported by a devastatingly powerful destroyer in Alioth, a tricky cost-reduction counter in Mobius M. Mobius and a stellar supporter for low-Power cards in Ravonna Renslayer. As with any season, over-hype and elevated expectations can soften or ruin a card's impact when they actually arrive, but these cards and locations look so promising that being underwhelming just doesn't seem an option.

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