Ahsoka Is Finally Set to Pay Off a Clone Wars Story Arc

Episode 4 of Ahsoka suggests a major turning point is coming up for Ahsoka Tano, which could finally expand upon an infamous Clone Wars story arc.

The fourth episode of Ahsoka ends with a return to an infamous Star Wars Rebels location, but this may actually be paving the way for the continuation of a story arc from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. After a brutal lightsaber duel with Baylan Skoll, Ahsoka found herself defeated and cast into the raging seas of Seatos. When she awoke, she was once again in the World Between Worlds, the mysterious Force realm that exists beyond time and space. Here, she was reunited with her former Jedi master, Anakin Skywalker, suggesting that the World Between Worlds is, in fact, part of the Netherworld of the Force and Ahsoka has died.

If Ahsoka has indeed been killed by Baylan Skoll, it is not the first time she has died in Star Wars canon. Season 3 of The Clone Wars saw Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi traveling to another mysterious Force realm that may be connected to the World Between Worlds -- Mortis. During the Jedi's time in this strange domain, Ahsoka was killed and resurrected for the first time. The true nature of her resurrection and its potential lasting impact on Ahsoka is yet to be fully explored in any Star Wars media. But that could be about to change following Ahsoka's arrival in the World Between Worlds.

Ahsoka's Experience on Mortis

Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan discovered Mortis when they were sent to investigate a transmission containing an ancient Jedi distress code. This dreamlike realm was home to three powerful Force-wielders known as the Ones -- the Daughter, the Son and the Father, who embodied the light, the dark side and balance in the Force, respectively. At one point during The Clone Wars' Mortis arc, Ahsoka fell under the control of the Son, who corrupted her with the power of the dark side. When he relinquished his grip on Ahsoka, her life force was also withdrawn, and she fell down dead.

After being fatally wounded by the Son, the Daughter offered to use the last of her own energy to resurrect Ahsoka. Anakin acted as a conduit, channeling the Daughter's life force into Ahsoka. This drove the darkness from Ahsoka's body and saw her reawaken. At the time, it was not clear whether absorbing the life force of a godlike Force-wielder would incite any kind of change in Ahsoka. It has been hinted that something of the Daughter now lives on in Ahsoka, with Morai -- an owl-like convor that has often been associated with the Daughter -- coming to follow Ahsoka following her death and resurrection on Mortis.

While the Mortis arc and its significance to Ahsoka are yet to be fully and openly explored in subsequent Star Wars releases, there have been a few hints that Ahsoka may be following in the footsteps of the Daughter. The Clone Wars Season 5 saw her leaving the Jedi Order, but she has since remained a faithful adherent of the light side of the Force, suggesting Ahsoka is becoming a light-side wielder outside the structures of the Jedi, much like the Daughter. Her white lightsabers also speak to her "purer" connection to the light side, as does the image of "Ahsoka the White" seen at the very end of Star Wars Rebels.

The Daughter's Power May Resurrect Ahsoka Once More

Episode 4 of Ahsoka, "Fallen Jedi," sees Ahsoka awake in the World Between Worlds after seemingly dying at the hand of Baylan Skoll. Here, Ahsoka is met by Anakin Skywalker, who tells her he didn't expect to see her so soon. The ending suggests that Ahsoka has died, entering the same afterlife as her old Jedi master. However, it is unlikely Ahsoka will stay dead for the remaining four episodes of her own series, meaning she will once again be resurrected. The power of the Daughter may be used to explain why this is possible for Ahsoka but not other Jedi.

It's possible that Ahsoka has become a new embodiment of the Daughter in some respect and, as such, can no longer be killed by mortal means. She may appear to die when struck down by Baylan, but the enduring life force of the Daughter may have granted her the power to return to the mortal world via the World Between Worlds. Alternatively, it is possible that Ahsoka is merely tied to the power of the Daughter, whose will is still at work through Morai. Kanan Jarrus achieved a similar afterlife in the Loth-wolf Dume via the Cosmic Force. Morai has been shown to be able to enter the World Between Worlds before, so she could make contact with Ahsoka here and guide her back to life.

Interestingly, Morai previously helped Ahsoka evade death by using the World Between Worlds. Although it was not a resurrection, Morai entered the World Between Worlds on Star Wars Rebels in order to guide Ezra Bridger to Ahsoka's duel with Darth Vader. Ezra was then able to save Ahsoka from Vader and the imminent explosion of the Sith Temple in which they were dueling. It's possible that when the Daughter saved Ahsoka's life, she lived on in the form of Morai to act as a guide and guardian angel for Ahsoka, keeping an agent of the light at work in the galaxy in her place.

Will Ahsoka Revisit the Mortis Arc?

With Ahsoka having returned to the World Between Worlds, where moments from across time may be viewed through various windows and doorways, it is possible Ahsoka's upcoming episodes will revisit the events of the Mortis arc. Her reunion with Anakin Skywalker in the World Between Worlds could indicate that her old master will act as a guide for her, helping her find her way back to the world of the living by first looking into her past. Anakin may need to remind Ahsoka of the power that now exists within her by looking back to the moment he revived her using the life force of the Daughter.

By revisiting this cryptic Clone Wars arc, Ahsoka can finally shine a light on some of the greatest enduring mysteries in the Star Wars canon. Fans have been kept speculating as to who or what the Ones of Mortis really were ever since these episodes aired. While it is unlikely all questions about Mortis will ever be answered, Ahsoka may at least be able to further explore the lore surrounding this otherworldly domain and the power its inhabitants have passed to Ahsoka Tano.

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