Gen V Star Breaks Down the Motivation of The Boys Spinoff's Main Character

Gen V's Jaz Sinclair explains the inner conflict raging within her character, Marie Moreau, in the Boys spinoff's upcoming first season.

Gen V star Jaz Sinclair recently unpacked Marie Moreau's motivations in the Boys spinoff's eagerly-awaited first batch of episodes.

Sinclair explained that Marie, who is Gen V's main protagonist, is driven by conflicting desires in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. "[Marie] has moments where she has to decide, 'Do I want to look like a hero or do I want to be a hero?'" she said. "And she's chosen following the rules in moments that have gotten her into some trouble with her friends, but I think that ultimately she's choosing to be a real hero and to do the right thing, even if it is at her own expense -- even though she's wanted more than anything forever to be in the Seven."

Sinclair's comments indicate that Marie will eventually commit to exposing the dark secrets at the heart of Godolkin University School of Crimefighting. This will presumably involve her putting her blood-bending powers to good use, which means things could get messy in Gen V Season 1. Sinclair's co-star Lizze Broadway effectively confirmed this to be the case in a recent interview, recalling how she was drenched in fake blood on at least one occasion during principal photography on Gen V's first season. Broadway added that she turned to The Boys veteran Jack Quaid for advice on the best way to remove the stage gore, who recommended she try "shaving cream and Dawn soap."

Gen V Star Teases Golden Boy's Rise in Season 1

Broadway may not be the only member of the Gen V cast in the position to ask The Boys alumni for tips, either. According to Golden Boy actor Patrick Schwarzenegger, his character is poised to join The Boys universe's premiere superhero team, the Seven, when Gen V Season 1 kicks off. "He's the most capable to be part of the Seven. And that's when we find out that [Godolkin University professor] Brink has actually been grooming him and has finally decided that he's ready for the Seven, that he made it." This suggests that Schwarzenegger could share some scenes with Seven-affiliated guest stars Jessie T. Usher (A-Train) and Chace Crawford (The Deep), although it's worth noting that Amazon Studios has not officially confirmed this will happen.

That said, Golden Boy joining the Seven in Gen V's first season would certainly fit with the show's established timeline. The Boys' official X account recently announced that Gen V Season 1 takes place following the events of The Boys Season 3 -- a point in time when the Seven's ranks are notably depleted.

Gen V is slated to premiere on Prime Video on Sept. 29, 2023.

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